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November 8, 2022


Away from concrete – the climate killer

Jakob Kneser | D | 2020 | 29 minutes | D

Two short films:
"Dead end concrete: The search for alternatives" and "How sustainable construction can work"

What makes concrete is the cement that binds sand and gravel. But the production of cement not only requires a lot of heat and therefore energy, the chemical process also emits a lot of CO2 - so alternatives are needed. And there are some. For example, tried and tested materials such as wood or clay, but also completely new developments with fungal cultures and economical concrete reinforcement.

Info about the podium
Image by shawnanggg
Image by shawnanggg
More information about the film

Francesca D’Amicis and Ilona Marenbach | D | 2021 | 29 minutes | D

economy and consumption

Presenting Partner

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