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November 4, 2022


Pesticides: Europe's cynical poison export

Stenka Quillet | FR/BR | 2022 | 82 minutes | D

On November 1, 1986, a gigantic chemical accident occurred in Basel, the major fire in Schweizerhalle. The extinguishing water got into the Rhine and killed countless fish as far away as Mannheim. This shook up society, leading to major demonstrations and political initiatives. Nevertheless, it took years and decades before the most toxic substances were banned in Europe - in their use, not in production! The chemical companies continue to produce and export the substances to places like Africa or South America. There they threaten the population, who are helplessly exposed to the pesticides and herbicides, as they are usually sprayed over large areas by plane: skin rashes, illnesses, miscarriages are the result. Resistance is forming locally; why should substances banned in Europe still be produced? This convinces some EU representatives, who are working on a corresponding law - but the wheels turn slowly. Meanwhile, small farmers are starting to organize and convert their businesses to organic production...

Info about the podium
Image by shawnanggg
Image by shawnanggg
More information about the film

Genre: Documentary

Agriculture and Nutrition

Presenting Partner

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