Our daily meat
Karin Bauer
2024 | CH | 52 Min
Disclaimer: Trailer not available, therefore festival trailer.
The 140 sows of pig farmer Turi Röösli in Hohenrain/Lucerne “produce” 4000 piglets annually, including piglet number 6003. At four weeks old, 6003 is separated from its mother, fattened and slaughtered at a weight of 110 kg. The profiteers in Lucerne's "pig valley" generate billions in sales - at the expense of the biosphere. Lake Baldegg and other lakes in the region are over-fertilized and have had to be artificially aerated for over 40 years - at ongoing costs of hundreds of millions of francs. The lifespan of piglet 6003 highlights the ambivalence of industrial meat production: sales versus environmental damage and the role of politics. A differentiated look at the consequences of our eating habits and the influence of lobbies.